22 Can open outcry system be used for book building?.

22 What is minimum number of days for which a bid should remain open during book building?. 21 What is a Price Band in a book built IPO?. 20 What is the main difference between offer of shares through book building and offer of shares through normal public issue?.21 What is Cut-Off Price?.21 What is the floor price in case of book building?. 20 What does price discovery through Book Building Process mean?. 19 What is meant by Market Capitalisation?.19 What is the difference between public issue and private placement?.20 What is an Initial Public Offer (IPO)?.20 18 What are the different kinds of issues?. 18 Why do companies need to issue shares to the public?. 17 What do you mean by the term Premium and Discount in a Security Market?.17ģ.1 ISSUE OF SHARES. 17 What is meant by Face Value of a share/debenture?. 17 What is the role of the Primary Market?. 16 Is it necessary to transact through an intermediary?.16 What are the segments of Securities Market?.16ģ. 16 Who are the participants in the Securities Market?.

15 Why does Securities Market need Regulators?.15 Who regulates the Securities Market?.15 What is SEBI and what is its role?. 14 What is the function of Securities Market?.14 Which are the securities one can invest in?.14Ģ.1 REGULATOR. 12 What is a Derivative?.12 What is a Mutual Fund?.12 What is an Index?. 10 What is meant by a Stock Exchange?.11 What is an Equity/Share?.11 What is a Debt Instrument?. 9 What are various Short-term financial options available for investment?.9 What are various Long-term financial o ptions available for investment?. 8 What factors determine interest rates?.8 What are various options available for investment?.

7 When to start Investing?.7 What care should one take while investing?.8 What is meant by Interest?.